Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Quest begins here!

It was an exciting week as each copy of Quest for the Nails Print recieved the symbolic nail print. Every nail print on every book must be individually hand-driven. A very special thank you to Tommy and his staff at Pollock Printing in Nashville.

We met at the printers on Friday as Quest for the Nail Prints was shipped to the distributors! (I picked up a few cases, too!!)

Holding my first copy waiting to recieve my cases!
From there we were we off to APG (our distributor) in Nashville! I had 80 copies to sign for Media and Reviewers. I am overwhelmed and humbled by the response from reviewers and media. Praise be to God!

APG representative, Cary Johnson helps me by opening books to the signature page.

100 hundred copies with the hand-crafted display arrive at Promise Land Book Store in Paris, TN

The Mercers, owners of Promise Land Bookstore in Paris Tennessee. These people are very special to me. I had my first book signing there last year when my book was in the "test" phase and we formed a great relationship! They are truly a God-sent!

On Saturday, March 26, 2011 Quest for the Nail Prints arrived at Family Christian Book Store in Bartlett, TN where I will be hosting the international release party on Tuesday, March 1, 2011. The book store sold 2 copies as they were assembling the display! It was so exciting to be there and sign the books!

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